Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chapter 11 questions

1. Ralph and the group decide that they must call an assembly in front of the savages. In order to get Piggy's glasses and a signal fire going. 

 2. The twins were "seeing Ralph for the first time" in regards to his leadership. This is the first time Ralph has been an assertive leader and stepped up. Beside that most boys have not seen him as a leader. 

 3. The boy's attempt to get Piggy's glasses back and start a signal fire is unsuccessful because the savages are belligerent and will not listen to Ralph. Especially with Jack as a leader. 

 4. Roger pushes the rock off the cliff because of the thrill of throwing the rocks at Ralph gave him. Roger sent the rock over the side of the cliff in an attempt to obtain the feeling he had from throwing the rocks over the side of the cliff. 

 5. The destruction of the conch symbolizes the end of any  remaining civilization. With the corruption of jack and weak leadership skills of Ralph all forms of their previous life is gone. The destruction of the conch shows the boys completely reverting to their savage survival instincts. 

 6. The boys' all want a chief because it provides gives them a small taste of their past life with rules and regulations and children for the most post enjoy being obidiente and having structure. 

7. As much as I dislike hunting because it encourages the boys to embrace their savage side I believe doing it is more beneficial than not doing it.

8. At this point I think even if jack does step down nothing would change, the boys are too primal now to go back to proper behavior.

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