Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ebola Questions

1. Hospitals not being able to handle an Ebola patient and doctors and nurses not properly protecting themselves from contracting the virus is the problem according to author, Betsy McCaughey.

2. She offers the solution of moving Ebola patients to bio-containment centers instead of trying to equip hospitals to handle and treat Ebola without it infecting others.

3. Infection expert, Sean Kaufman, called the CDC guidelines "absolutely irresponsible and dead wrong." 

4. Rep. Michael Burgess makes the point that people like CDC head Thonas Frieden are underestimating how deadly this virus is. He made that point by talking about how Frieden claimed any hospital could handle Ebola and irronically he later died from Ebola when he visited Texas Health Presbyterian where he was infected.

5. Yes I do agree with McCaugheys opinion to rely on bio-containment facilities because from the evidence she provided in her article hospitals are not capable of handling Ebola while bio-containment facilities on the other hand seem like a better bet. 

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