Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Purpose of myth review

1. Who am I?, How much control do I have over my life?, How do I relate to the universe?, what is the nature of the universe in which I live? 

2. The first parents are often gods of sky and earth, the creator god usually fashions the first human beings from a part of the earth, the gods destroy one world of mortals by a great flood, the hero's have an unusual birth and death.

3. It starts with chaos and then a god comes and separates, multiples and gives a section of the earth to each god.

4. Teaches the appropriate attitudes, values, and behaviors of that culture.

5. Their imperfections allow for people to relate with them.

6. The agriculture year 

7. An unconscious desire, wishes, fear, and drives that can not be preformed in reality.

8. People posses the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Birth Order Research Final Essay

Delilah Sadat
August 25, 2014
Third Period
First Child Syndrome
    It was late at night and I had finally finished all four hundred plus pages and fifty-two questions to my AP World History summer assignment. I couldn’t help, but feel slightly proud for finishing such a boring book, but as I looked at it closer I saw how sloppy my answers and handwriting looked. So I grabbed a stack of paper and began to rewrite all my answers. This is an example of how I am a perfectionist which is a common trait among first born children like myself. There are many interesting characteristics about firstborns according to the Birth Order Research.
    One trait that I can really relate to is being highly motivated, especially when it comes to basketball and school. During basketball I work my absolute hardest because I am motivated by the idea of being the best. When it comes to school I aim for at least a 3.8 gpa because I am motivated to get good grades and go to a four year university. I think oldest children are highly motivated because great things are expected of them and we don’t want to be anything less than what we are capable of. I also think we are highly motivated because we secretly want to impress our younger siblings and so we are motivated  to do good.
    The other trait I use almost everyday is sarcasm. Whenever my ten year old brother as me a question I’ll joke around and give a very sarcastic answer and he will just sit there confused. To me sarcasm is a sign of more mature humor so it’s easy for us older children to use it on our younger siblings who don’t understand it. In an odd way it makes us firstborns feel like we have some type of leverage over our younger siblings. Plus it’s an easy way to make fun of them and not get in trouble.
    Although for the most part the research was correct there are some things I disagree with. According to the research oldest children tend to get science career related jobs which is the complete opposite of my academic strengths. I do very well in history and English, but rather poor in science and math. Another finding of the research that I disagreed with was that firstborns are patient. I am not patient at all, I get very annoyed and frustrated when things or people take a long time. I can be especially impatient with my younger sibling.
    There was a lot of research done on the traits of firstborns. I found that there were some traits I could really relate and some other traits not so much. Overall I learned two main things. Research is meant to apply to the majority of people so that means there will be certain exceptions to certain things,  like myself and the trait of being patient. The second thing I learned was that being the oldest can cause you to develop certain positive and negative traits.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits

Traits Example
Highly motivated I am highly motivated. An example of that is my attitude towards school and basketball. I am motivated to do my best.
Stubborn As a child it was either my way or no way. I didn't care if I was missing out on something, it had to be the way I wanted.
Sarcastic I often use sarcasm in my everyday humor.
Traits Example
Skeptical I am very skeptical because i do not believe what people say, I have to see their action.
Reliable I think I am reliable for the most part because whenever a friend needs me I'm there for them just like I am for my younger sibling.
Perfectionist I am definitely a slight perfectionist, if that makes sense. I get fusterated if a project, or essay, or even play in basketball doesn't come out the way I think perfect looks like.
Things I don't agree with Explanations
Science related jobs
This is the exact opposite of me becuase I'm actually really bad at science, but really good at history.
Strong Powers of Concentration
This is totally unlike me because I have a hard time focusing on my homework, or not getting bored during a movie. I also notice I sometimes zone out during class.
I'm really not that pacient of a person. I hate waiting and don't like it when people are late.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reflection on Week 1

1. The only thing that I think will affect me is my schedule change once basketball has started. Right now since I don't have any activities after school I get home early and I am able to do all my homework and get a good nights sleep. Although when basketball starts I won't get home until rather late which means I have to start my homework later and finish it later. This will probably cause me to loose sleep which will result in me being crankier the next day in class which may affect how much I want to participate. 

2. A learning experience that really changed me was AVID. I have been in AVID since 7th grade, but it really started to motivate me in 8th grade and freshman year. Since then I have receiver great grades and I no longer get in trouble. 

3. I am most excited for studying different  subjects, for example how we studied Romeo and Juliet last year. I am most worried that I won't be able to keep up with the work load, but I  know I will try my best. 

Latin Roots #1

Root words:
1. Act, ag, ig, (to do, move, to drive): activate, agitate, navigate, transaction, agency, litigation.
2.ali, alter (another, other): alias, alien, alibi, alternative, alternation, alter ego, alter, alternator.
3. am(at) (to love): amateur, amour, amorist, amatory, enamored, amity, paramour.
4. anim (life, spirit, soul): animal, animation, animosity, animus, animadversion.

agenda - a list of items to be discussed t a formal meeting.
Sentence : My agenda helps me to keep attract of my homework.

agile - able to move quickly and easily
Sentence : To be a wrestler you must be agile.

alienate - cause ( someone ) to feel isolated or estranged.
Sentence :  Alienating someone on purpose can be considered a form of bullying.

altercation - a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.
Sentence : Sometimes people can get into altercations over pointless things.

amiable - having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
Sentence : On my first day of  high school everyone one was very amiable to me.

amorous - showing, or feeling.
Sentence : After her spouse passed away it was very hard for the women not to be amorous.

animated - full of life or excitement; lively.
Sentence : Once the child found out he was going to Disneyland he became very animated.

equanimity - mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
Sentence : The best thing to do when someone is having a heart attack is  to have equanimity.

inalienable - unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.
Sentence : Your freedom in America is inalienable unless you commit a crime.

inanimate - not alive, especially not in the manner of animals and humans.
Sentence : A pencil is an inanimate object.

magnanimous - very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself.
Sentence: If you get into an argument with someone always remember to be magnanimous to the person once you both have calmed down

reactionary - (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
Sentence : Democrats ant rebuild and are reactionary to each other.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Six words 

My thought process for making this vine was I wanted something that would really apply to me. I didn't want a cheesy quote I wanted something I could really give an in depth explanation about. 
These six words apply to me because I think humor can greatly improve your day. I also find it is better to joke about something's rather than stress about it.