Root words:
1. Act, ag, ig, (to do, move, to drive): activate, agitate, navigate, transaction, agency, litigation.
2.ali, alter (another, other): alias, alien, alibi, alternative, alternation, alter ego, alter, alternator.
3. am(at) (to love): amateur, amour, amorist, amatory, enamored, amity, paramour.
4. anim (life, spirit, soul): animal, animation, animosity, animus, animadversion.
agenda - a list of items to be discussed t a formal meeting.
Sentence : My agenda helps me to keep attract of my homework.
agile - able to move quickly and easily
Sentence : To be a wrestler you must be agile.
alienate - cause ( someone ) to feel isolated or estranged.
Sentence : Alienating someone on purpose can be considered a form of bullying.
altercation - a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.
Sentence : Sometimes people can get into altercations over pointless things.
amiable - having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner.
Sentence : On my first day of high school everyone one was very amiable to me.
amorous - showing, or feeling.
Sentence : After her spouse passed away it was very hard for the women not to be amorous.
animated - full of life or excitement; lively.
Sentence : Once the child found out he was going to Disneyland he became very animated.
equanimity - mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
Sentence : The best thing to do when someone is having a heart attack is to have equanimity.
inalienable - unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.
Sentence : Your freedom in America is inalienable unless you commit a crime.
inanimate - not alive, especially not in the manner of animals and humans.
Sentence : A pencil is an inanimate object.
magnanimous - very generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or someone less powerful than oneself.
Sentence: If you get into an argument with someone always remember to be magnanimous to the person once you both have calmed down
reactionary - (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
Sentence : Democrats ant rebuild and are reactionary to each other.